Teaching Machine Learning System Efficiently with Active Learning

James Nguyen
5 min readMar 29, 2022



Most supervised machine learning models require large amounts of data to produce good results. However, the process of labeling data can be time-consuming and expensive that represents a big barrier to machine learning development and adoption.

Active Learning is the methodology to prioritize the data which needs to be labeled in order to have the highest impact to model training and a mechanism to run continuous training to deployment process. Active Learning allows ML model deployment to start with a small amount of labelled data and low performance but can get better faster over time with lower labelling effort compared with investing in labeling large amount of data to start with.

We created a reference implementation in Azure ML for Active Learning to demonstrate how Active Learning works in practice. This comes with templates and libraries to facilitate implementing a new Active Learning in Azure.

Functional design

Active Learning flow has two main blocks: Model Training and Model in Production. Like normal MLOps, these two blocks are connected and changes are deployed from Model Training to Model In Production automatically. There are important features that make Active Learning flow different from regular MLOps:

  • Scoring result of deployed model is collected and used as input for Model Improvement.
  • At the beginning of Model Improvement, a prioritization strategy is applied to select (small) part of the scoring result for human labeling. The strategy can be Least confidence, Margin sampling and Entropy. The selection is meant to select examples that the model is least certain about for labelling by human
  • Selected data is fed into a labeling process with human
  • Labelled data is exported and fed into a training pipeline
  • Training pipeline performs incremental training with additional labelled examples. The examples are effective in addressing most important mistakes made by the previous model
  • Deployment pipeline deploys the improved model to production
  • The loop continues

Technical design

Technical design is the implementation of the functional flow with Azure components.

  • Scoring service is implemented with Managed Online or Batch Endpoint.
  • We created a Model and Data monitoring library to collect data from scoring service, then store at Azure Data Explorer tables and leverage ADX’s strength in scalable data analysis to perform data selection and analytic queries
  • Model monitoring collects prediction data including probabilities, predicted label and raw image data store them at ADX tables and Azure storage
  • An Azure ML Labeling project is set up with input data folder in Azure ML storage location configured to be refreshed automatically for human labeling
  • A data selection service job runs periodically on the collected prediction data where prioritization strategy is applied to select part of the data. Selected examples are sent to input location of the Azure ML Labeling project
  • AML Labeling creates tasks for human labelers to work on new data
  • Human labeler releases labeled data as AML dataset
  • Azure function with blob queue trigger call a github workflow to kick start training and deployment pipeline (github workflow)
  • Training step within the pipeline loads current model checkpoint and perform incremental training with newly labelled data. At the end, it produces a new version of the model
  • Deployment step kicks in to deploy new model version to production

Code modules

The core module

  • azure_function: This is the azure function that responds to the event that a labeled dataset is exported from Azure ML Labeling project. The Azure function triggers a new training workflow which is implemented as a Github’s workflow (active_learning_cv_training_deployment).
  • data_engineering: This contains functions and classes that implement one of the four a prioritization strategies and prepare dataset in the format that can be used by training module
  • pipelines: This contains definition of pipelines that stitch together components of a functional flow such as training
  • scoring: This contains implementation of real time scoring and batch scoring using Azure ML’s Managed Online Endpoint and Batch Endpoint
  • training: This contains definitions of training procedures. An implementation of AutoML computer vision is provided but a custom training module is pluggable.
  • monitoring: Contain utility class to collect data in streaming and batch modes and provides query service to the data tables in ADX

Automation with Github Actions and Workflows

To automate a series of operations upon changes and availability of input, the following Github workflows are implemented

  • active_learning_cv_data_selection: this workflow runs on a schedule (e.g. daily) that evaluate data collected from Monitoring module from scoring service and prioritize data according to a selection strategy and stage data for labeling
  • active_learning_cv_training_deployment: this runs the training job and then performs deployment to the scoring service. The trigger to this workflow is by the event that a dataset is exported from the Azure ML Labeling service.

Simulation module

To support evaluation of Active Learning, we included a simulation flow that replaces the human labeling step with an automated labeling module. Here, a labelled dataset of 15k images is used. The flow is as follows:

  • Initial training and deployment of a model on a small dataset sampled from the full dataset
  • A scoring simulation module that samples data from the full dataset, minus data that was used and score with the deployed model.
  • Scored data is collected and prioritized using standard modules. Here, the output is directly joined with full labelled dataset to obtain label instead of being sent to Azure ML Labeling.
  • Training dataset is created and sent for training and deployment. Using the simulation mode, you can evaluate the effectiveness of Active Labeling with different settings. This, however, requires a large labeled dataset. The diagram and table below show comparison of progress of model performance in Active Learning Simulation after 30 rounds of incremental active learning training, each with 50 labeled images which are sampled from 500 images used for scoring.


There seems to be no clear winner among Confidence (LC), Smallest Margin Uncertainty (SMU), Entropy Sampling (ES) strategies. However, compared to Random Sampling, for example, with Least Confidence in the simulation exercise, we observe about 5–10% better in accuracy in each incremental training round. Another observation is the more selective it is, the more effective a deliberate strategy is compared to random sampling method.

Github repository: MLOpsTemplate/src/active_learning_cv at james-simdev · microsoft/MLOpsTemplate (github.com)

Credit: This work is co-authored with my colleague at Microsoft Nicole Serafino



James Nguyen
James Nguyen

Written by James Nguyen

Passionate about AI/ML and advanced analytics

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